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Yaakov was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn. (32:25)

Rashi cites the Talmud in Chullin 9A that says that Yaakov had forgotten some pachim ketanim, small earthenware pitchers, and had returned to retrieve them.  Chazal derive from the fact that Yaakov returned for some inexpensive vessels that “to the righteous, their money is dearer to them than their bodies.  Since they earn every penny with great diligence, their integrity is impeccable, everything they own is very dear to them.”  Chazal’s words  obviously reflect a deeper meaning. We do not venerate an individual  for exhibiting greater care for his material possessions than for his own body. Horav Simcha Zissel M’Kelm…

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And Yaakov became very frightened, and it distressed him. (32:8)

Simply, Yaakov Avinu was concerned about the potential for Eisav  to harm him and his family.  Rashi explains that Yaakov was afraid that he would be killed. He was also distressed that  he would be victorious in the ensuing battle and kill others in the process.   The Ralbag comments that since distress is a stronger form of fear than fright,  the prospect of killing another human being was more upsetting than the risk that he himself might be killed.  This demonstrates the remarkable virtue of Yaakov Avinu. In the Talmud Berachos 4A, Chazal explain that Yaakov’s fear emanated from a…

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I have sojourned with Lavan and have lingered until now.

Rashi cites the Midrash which  emphasizes that the numerical value of the word “garti,” “I have sojourned,” is 613, corresponding to the number of mitzvos Hashem gave to the Jewish People.  Hence, Yaakov implied to Eisav, “Though I have sojourned with Lavan, I have observed the Taryag mitzvos and have not learned from his evil ways.”  Yaakov stood firm and unafraid of Eisav, his spiritual level intact.  Yaakov’s comment to Eisav seems redundant.  Certainly, if he had the fortitude to observe all 613 mitzvos,  he surely did not mimic any of Lavan’s negative actions! Horav Zaidel Epstein, Shlita, infers from…

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I have sojourned with Lavan. (32:5)

Yaakov Avinu implied his fortitude in maintaining his observance of the Taryag 613 Mitzvos, , by using the term “garti” – as  the numerical value of the word “garti” is   613.  Why did Yaakov emphasize the fact that he observed the 613 mitzvos? Why could he not  simply have said, “I did not learn from Lavan’s actions;  I have maintained my own spiritual level? Why did he stress his performance of the actual mitzvos?  Horav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Shlita, notes that the catalyst for spiritual concern is not always complacency, degeneracy or free-thinking.  Some individuals  take the original pristine Torah…

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