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I have sojourned with Lavan and have lingered until now.

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Rashi cites the Midrash which  emphasizes that the numerical value of the word “garti,” “I have sojourned,” is 613, corresponding to the number of mitzvos Hashem gave to the Jewish People.  Hence, Yaakov implied to Eisav, “Though I have sojourned with Lavan, I have observed the Taryag mitzvos and have not learned from his evil ways.”  Yaakov stood firm and unafraid of Eisav, his spiritual level intact.  Yaakov’s comment to Eisav seems redundant.  Certainly, if he had the fortitude to observe all 613 mitzvos,  he surely did not mimic any of Lavan’s negative actions!

Horav Zaidel Epstein, Shlita, infers from here that it is possible for one to be totally observant,  keep all of the mitzvos, yet still be an “Eisav”  in his everyday actions and demeanor.  In the beginning of Parashas Kedoshim the Ramban  refers to such an individual as a “naval birshus ha ‘Torah,” degenerate with the permission of the Torah.  Such a person observes the letter of the law, the technical requirements and practices, while acceding to self-indulgence, gluttony and debauchery.  The Torah demands that a Jew sanctify himself in every area of life’s endeavor.  Yaakov Avinu did not only observe mitzvos; the mitzvos shaped his entire  perspective of life.

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