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“And they stood up and went together.” (22:19)

The Torah uses the phrase vayeilchu yachdav, they went together, three times in regard to the Akeidah. The first time, when Avraham left his home together with Yitzchak on the way to the Akeidah, the Torah writes that “they walked together” (22:6). Rashi explains that “together” means that Avraham, who was acutely aware of his mission to slaughter his only son, went with the same good will and joy as Yitzchak, who knew nothing of Hashem’s command. The second time the Torah writes this phrase it is after Avraham had hinted to Yitzchak that he would be the sacrifice. Yet, Yitzchak…

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“Avraham prayed to G-d, and G-d healed Avimelech, and his wife, and his maids and they were relieved (literally, gave birth).” (20:17)

Hashem punished Avimelech and his families for taking Sarah from Avraham. It is interesting to note Avraham’s reaction when Avimelech  realized  that  he  had  erred.  Avraham  prayed  that Avimelech be cured from his punishment. Avraham Avinu, the amud ha’chesed, pillar of kindness, conveys to us the appropriate response to hearing   about  someone   else’s   misfortune   –   pray   for  him! Avraham’s sympathy set the standard for his descendants. How often do we hear about another Jew who has fallen ill or succumbed to another misfortune. While it  is true that we feel for him, how many of us feel the pain as if…

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“Because I said, ‘(Only) there is no fear of G-d in this place and they will kill me on account of (to take) my wife.’” (20:11)

Horav Elchanan Wasserman, z.l., had occasion to be in Germany a number of years prior to the Nazi implementation of their Master Plan.  At  the  time,  Germany  was  considered  among  the  most progressive and intellectual nations. Its culture and nobility presented a paradigm for others to emulate. As we know, however, it was all superficial. Something was missing from this cold, dispassionate culture. The Jews were an “accepted” part of society. This, of course, led to assimilation. Little did they know the tragic events, the cataclysmic horrors, that were lurking right around the corner. Rav Elchanan delivered a lecture to the…

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“For I give him special attention because he commands his children and his household after him.” (18:19)

Hashem expresses His affection for Avraham Avinu because of his adherence to imparting the derech Hashem, way of Hashem, to the  next  generation.  It  is  Avraham’s  ability  and  dedication to educating his progeny which distinguishes him from everyone else. Chinuch ha’banim, educating one’s children, is what differentiates a parent from a caretaker. A parent cares about his child and, consequently, oversees his educational development. A caretaker cares primarily about himself, placing his child’s education in a far second-place behind everything else. What is the most effective method for educating one’s children? Since Avraham is the “father” of education, it would be…

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