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If a man will have on the skin of his flesh, a rising or a scab, or a bright spot, and it will become a tzaraas affliction on the skin of his flesh……it is a tzaraas affliction; the Kohen shall look at it and declare him contaminated. (13:2;3)

If we were to consider  the avos ha’tumah, main categories of spiritual contamination, i.e.: tumas meis, corpse of a human being , sheretz, neveilah, dead bodies of large and eight small mammals, shichvas zera, zav, zavah, various body emissions, niddah, menstruate and yoledes, a woman who has just given birth, we would note that the one common theme among them is death or cessation of life.  In one way or another, each one alludes to a termination of life, a lost opportunity for producing life, or a time frame in which reproduction is not a viable condition.  Even the new…

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Speak unto the Bnei Yisrael, saying, when a woman conceives and gives birth to a male. (12:2)

In the Talmud Niddah 30b Chazal describe the scenario of an embryo in its mother’s womb.  They say that a light burns above his head, so that he   is able to see from one end of the world to the other. Man enjoys no greater satisfaction and happiness than during his months in utero. He  is also taught the entire Torah.  Immediately before he is  born, an angel catalyzes him to  forget all of his learning.  This well-known  statement of Chazal stimulates  a number of questions.  First, why  is the child taught in the womb?  Would it not have…

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