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And the Kohen shall look at the plague in the skin of the flesh (13:3)

Tzara’as, which is inappropriately translated as leprosy, was actually a spiritual affliction. One who had transgressed certain sins, such as speaking lashon hora was inflicted with tzaraas. This affliction appeared on one’s body, his clothes, even the walls of his home. One who suspected himself of being a victim of this disease would go to the Kohen in order to be examined. Only after the Kohen declared him a metzora would he be considered tamei and consequently subject to all of the laws of tzara’as. Horav A. H. Lebovitz, Shlita, cites the Midrash which relates a story about an impoverished…

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When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh an intensely white spot, or one nearly so, or a shiny white one… then he shall be brought to the Kohen. (13:2)

The Netziv. z.l.. cites the Zohar, which states that the word “adam” refers to one who is dignified and respected. This statement seems enigmatic. Tzara’as is an affliction visited upon one who has spoken lashon hara and slandered others. Indeed, Chazal say that the word “Torah” is written five times regarding tzara’as, to teach that one who speaks lashon hora transgresses the five chumashim – or the entire Torah! Why then would the Torah refer to this person as an “adam chashuv”? Horav Nissan Alpert, z.l., suggests the following resolution to this question. The Talmud provides great detail describing the…

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