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ויאמר אליו אני ד' אשר הוצאתיך מאור כשדים

And He (Hashem) said to him, “I am G-d Who brought you out of Uhr Kasdim.” (15:7)

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The fact that the Torah does not mention the miracle of Avraham Avinu being spared from death in Uhr Kasdim, except in passing, begs elucidation. Hashem just says, “I am G-d Who brought you out of Uhr Kasdim” – nothing at all about saving him from certain death. Apparently, as far as our Patriarch was concerned, Uhr Kasdim was not much of a nisayon, test, for him. Why? Horav Yaakov Moshe Charlop, zl, explains that Avraham Avinu lived his life on the ultimate spiritual plateau of V’chai bahem, “By which he shall live” (Vayikra 18:5). This teaches that one’s entire life should be dedicated to living for Torah and mitzvos. Nothing may stand in the way of mitzvah performance. Without kiyum haTorah, Torah fulfillment, he has no life.

The mitzvah of V’chai bahem was not given with regard to idolatry. In other words, when one is confronted with the choice of worshipping an idol or relinquishing his life, it is not actually a choice. In either event the individual has no life. Worshipping an idol is equivalent to death. When Avraham was confronted with the choice of death or idolatry – it was no choice, no test. For Avraham, this was a choice akin to death by sword or firing squad. In any event, the result would be the same. Thus, the nisayon of Uhr Kasdim is not mentioned, since, for Avraham, it was no nisayon.

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