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“But Er, Yehudah’s firstborn was evil in the eyes of Hashem, and Hashem caused him to die.” (38:7)

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The Matriarchs of the Jewish people were by nature barren. It is perplexing that the Jewish nation, which maintains a singular purpose in Creation should descend from women who by the laws of “nature” could not possibly bear a child. This phenomenon extends to Malchus Bais David, the monarchy of David Ha’melech, who is the sovereign of the Jewish nation. The individual from whom Moshiach will descend also had his roots in the most unnatural setting.  Yehudah was the chosen monarch over the tribes. His position was to transfer this role to his eldest son, Er, who was not suitable to assume the mantle of sovereignty. Consequently, it was passed over via the levirate marriage between Yehudah and his daughter-in-law, Tamar. It later was to be transferred from Elimelech, the husband of Naomi, to their son, Machlon, but he too was unacceptable to ascend the throne of Malchus Bais David. Once again, through the medium of the levirate marriage, Boaz married Rus and fathered Peretz from whom David Ha’melech descended. The mystery continues with the knowledge that had David Ha’melech not been granted seventy years from Adam Ha’Rishon’s lifespan, he would never have lived!

Horav Eliyahu Dessler, z.l., infers from the “unnatural” order of events leading up to David Ha’melech’s monarchy, that success and achievement in the spiritual dimension is miraculous.  From the cradle of our birth as a nation, until the realization of Malchus Bais David and the advent of Moshiach, our existence is inexplicable if not for the fact that Hashem Divinely sustains us. He cites Rav Chaim Volozhiner who maintains that the ten miracles which occurred in the Bais Ha’Mikdash on a regular basis support this thesis. Every spiritual achievement does not just happen. It is the result of Hashem’s Divine guidance which transcends physical reality. The nitzchius, eternity, of Klal Yisrael is like any other form of ruchnius, spirituality; it exists only through the supernatural will of the Almighty.

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