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“And a certain man found him and behold he was wandering in the field and the man asked him, saying, ‘What are you seeking?'” (37:15)

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As Yosef was searching for his brothers, he was met by a man who questioned his purpose in the field. Simply, the man wondered for what or for whom Yosef was looking. The Kotzker Rebbe, z.l., interpreted this question in a novel manner, assigning to these words a new meaning, as they teach us (and Yosef) a profound lesson. One must have clear goals. He must continually be prepared to redefine and reaffirm these goals as he is confronted with changing life situations.

While he was at home, Yosef was involved in Torah scholarship. His environment was a spiritual utopia, as he studied Torah under the constant tutelage of his father. The sanctity of such a home, surrounded by the twelve tribes, guided by the Patriarch Yaakov, was the extreme antithesis of the center of immorality to which he was to be exiled.  It would be so simple to forget who he was and to lose sight of his preconceived spiritual goals. He was, therefore, reminded, “What do you seek?” Remember where you were going, who you were, and what were your objectives in life! Redefine these goals as you leave the safety of your present environment. Affirm your prior commitment to spiritual advancement. Let it be a beacon of inspiration as it helps you to maintain your spiritual stamina amidst a culture and environment totally alien to your prior upbringing.

How important is it for us to maintain our sense of direction and to focus on our objectives as Torah Jews. If we remember “what we are seeking,” we will remain true to our commitment. Times change, situations vary, but our goals must remain intact and immutable.

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