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“And you came near to me all of you.” (1:22)

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Rashi explains the words “all of you” to mean the young pushing elders and the elders pushing the heads in a sort of confusion. In essence this was Moshe’s rebuke to Bnei Yisrael. In order to encourage its own growth, the younger generation ought to be able to accept guidance from the elders. In this instance, however, there was complete chaos, as the young gave orders and advised the leadership. What is even more notable is that the elders heeded the dictates of this new “leadership”. Indeed, a similar phenomenon occurred during the near tragic recognition of the infamous false Moshiach, Shabsai Tzvi. First the uneducated and unassuming Jew recognized and accepted him. Subsequently, he developed a following among the more prominent members of the Jewish community, who yielded to popular opinion. This irrational sense of direction and rejection of Torah leadership as the principal source of guidance were at the root of he tragedy in the desert. They have, unfortunately, continued to plague our people to this day. Thus, Moshe’s rebuke serves as a relevant message for all generations.

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