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“You shall not respect persons in judgment, the small and the great alike, you shall listen to, you shall not fear the face of any man, for the judgment is Hashem’s.” (1:17)

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Rabeinu Yonah in his Sharei Teshuvah (3:33) cites this pasuk as a reassurance to Torah leadership that they should not fear reprisal from any decision they render. Judgment comes from Hashem and He will protect those who stand resolute in executing His imperatives.


We may question the stated rationale for this mandate, “for judgment is Hashem’s”. What relationship exists between the source of judgment and the need for courage in administering legislation? This pasuk may be clarified in the following manner. Chazal made a very strong statement regarding the character of a Talmid Chacham (Torah scholar). Any Talmid Chacham who does not take revenge and bear a grudge as a snake is not worthy of the title, Talmid Chacham). This statement would be striking had it come from any source. Emanating from Chazal, however, who exemplify delicacy of character and nobility in demeanor, the sentiment is especially noteworthy. Does this mean that one who is conciliatory and mild-mannered is not worthy of the title of Talmid Chacham? At the end of Hilchos Talmud Torah the Rambam addresses this idea. He remarks that the statement applies only to “Kavod Hatorah”, circumstances in which reverence for the Torah is demeaned. In this situation, it is incumbent upon a Talmid Chacham to fight to uphold the honor of the Torah.


Horav Y.L. Bloch Z”l explains the Talmud’s failure to use a more positive statement. The Talmud should have said, “It is necessary for one to be vigilant and guard the Torah’s honor.” He states that Chazal are communicating an important message regarding the manner in which a Torah scholar should maintain his relationship with the people. It is important for one to pursue every means of coexisting with all people. There are situations in which one must take a strong hand, however, and even battle to uphold “Kavod Hatorah”. A Talmid Chacham who does not exhibit the strength of character to take issue with those who denigrate the Torah indicates that he is not a true student of Torah wisdom. One whose actions originate from the source of wisdom does not differentiate between possible processes for reaching his aspiration. The prime focus is on the goal. Nothing stands in the way of achieving his aim. Hence, the Talmud emphasizes the notion of waging battle for the sake of the Torah.


This is the Torah’s message: Do not fear anyone when making a decision to execute a Torah law, for judgment is Hashem’s mandate. Courage should originate from the knowledge of the source of these laws. The wisdom culled from Torah erudition gives one the ability to transcend all fears and the moral stamina to ward off all obstacles.

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