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ואהבת את ד' אלקיך בכל לבבך ובכל נפשך ובכל מאודך

You shall love Hashem, Your G-d, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your possessions. (6:5)

B’chol nafshecha, “with all your soul”: Afilu Hu noteil es nafshecha, “Even if He takes your soul.” According to the Mizrachi, this means that a person should be willing to give up his life for the sanctification of Hashem’s Name – when the situation warrants it. Eimek HaNetziv explains this as an enjoinment for one to feel a sense of love from Hashem even if his life is being taken for His sake. Horav Don Segal, zl, notes that Rashi uses the word noteil (es nafshecha), takes (your soul), rather than titein (you), give. He explains that while giving up…

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כבד את אביך ואת אמך

Honor your father and your mother. (5:16)

The Luchos, Ten Commandments, are divided into two parts: bein adam la’Makom, between man and G-d; bein adam la’chaveiro, between man and fellowman. The fifth commandment, the mitzvah to honor one’s parents, almost appears misplaced, since it is included among the dibros bein adam la’Makom, when, in fact, one may argue that respect for parents, according them pleasure and satisfaction, belongs among the dibros bein adam la’chaveiro. Upon perusing the commentary of the Rishonim, we note that this is actually the case. The Sefer HaChinuch writes that among the shoroshei hamitzvah, root/origin of the mitzvah, is to teach a person…

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אנכי ד' אלקיך אשר הוצאתיך מארץ מצרים

I am Hashem, your G-d, Who took you out of Egypt. (5:6)

In his Bais Elokim (Shaar Hayesodos 12), the Mabit observes that the first five Dibros/Commandments, which were on the right side of the Luchos, address mitzvos which are bein adam laMakom, between man and Hashem. The five commandments on the left side address mitzvos bein adam la’chaveiro, between man and fellow man. Interestingly, the commandments which relate to mitzvos between man and G-d are textually much longer than those which are bein adam la’chaveiro. Three of these are comprised of two words. He explains that, while each letter of the commandments has great cosmic significance [there are 620 letters in…

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ויתעבר ד' בי למענכם

But Hashem became angry with me, because of you. (3:26)

Moshe Rabbeinu’s address to Klal Yisrael is enigmatic. Our quintessential leader was not one to share with the people what appear to be his personal issues concerning not being allowed to enter Eretz Yisrael. He erred, and Hashem did not forgive him. Indeed, why did Hashem not forgive Moshe? Incredibly, according to the Midrash, he offered five hundred and fifteen supplications to Hashem! Moshe knew how to pray. Yet, his prayers were not accepted. Moshe said to Hashem: “I spent so much time and trouble to inspire Klal Yisrael to be faithful, to believe and to observe. It was not…

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