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“And speak to the rock.” (20:8)

Horav Leib Eiger, z.l., related that when he was a young boy studying with his grandfather, Horav Akiva Eiger, z.l., the  Nesivos, Horav Yaakov, z.l., m’Lissa, once came to visit. It so happened that the Chasam Sofer, z.l., Rav Akiva Eiger’s son-in-law, was also visiting at the time. Rav Akiva Eiger was overjoyed with his distinguished guests. Thus, he asked his rebbetzin to prepare a suitable meal for them. He asked a student from the yeshivah to serve the guests. During the meal, Rav Akiva Eiger asked the Nesivos to honor them with a discourse in Halachah. Rav Yaakov lectured impressively…

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