ויואל משה לשבת את האיש ויתן את צפורה בתו למשה. ותלד בן ויקרא את שמו גרשום
In the Talmud Nedarim 65a, Chazal teach that Yisro made Moshe Rabbeinu swear to him that he would never leave without permission. The Yalkut has a different perspective on Yisro’s requirements for Moshe to fulfill before he would agree to give him his daughter in marriage. Moshe asked for Tziporah. Yisro agreed, on the condition that Moshe promise to carry out the one request that Yisro had of him. Moshe agreed. Yisro presented what is considered to be atypical of him. On the other hand, it is also frightening that Moshe would accede to the request. He said, “The first…