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ויאמר ארור כנען עבד עבדים יהיה לאחיו

And he said, “Cursed is Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his brothers.” (9:25)

Cham committed an unspeakable act against his father, Noach, and, in turn, Noach cursed his fourth son, Canaan. Rashi explains that Noach intimated to Cham, “You caused me to be unable to have a fourth son who would serve me. May your fourth son be cursed by serving the offspring of these greater ones: Shem and Yafes (for now they will have to care for me). The term eved avadim, a slave of slaves, requires clarification. After all, a slave is a slave. What difference does it make who his master is? Horav Aryeh Leib Heyman, zl, explains that Noach…

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כי אתך ראיתי צדיק לפני בדור הזה

For I have seen you as righteous in this generation. (7:1)

The Zohar HaKadosh (Zohar Chadash Noach 29a) relates that, when Noach exited the Teivah, Ark, and saw a world destroyed, he became morose and cried out to Hashem, “Master of the Universe, You are called Merciful. You should have had mercy on the world.” Hashem replied, “Roeh shatya, foolish shepherd – now you daven? You should have davened when I told you, ‘For I have seen you as righteous in this generation.’” Why, indeed, did Noach not pray that the Flood be rescinded and the world not be destroyed? Horav Tzvi Kushelevsky, Shlita, explains that Noach believed that the world…

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כי מלאה הארץ חמס מפניהם והנני משחיתם את הארץ

Now the land was filled with robbery, and behold I shall destroy them from the earth. (6:13)

Chazal (Bereishis Rabbah 31:5) distinguish between gezel and chamas. While both relieve the victim of his possessions, gezel refers to robbery of an item worth at least a shavah perutah, value of a perutah (smallest coin). Chamas, however, refers to robbery of an item which does not have the value of a perutah. This is how the people of that generation stole from one another. They came upon a man selling vegetables in the market. One by one the people would take less than the value of a perutah of a vegetable, until it was all gone. In other words,…

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ותשחת הארץ לפני האלקים ותמלא הארץ חמס

Now the earth had become corrupt before G-d, and the earth became filled with robbery. (6:11)

The Baal HaTurim writes that the gematria, numerical equivalent, of chamas (108) is the same as mei Noach, the waters of Noach – the Flood. The Aderes (commentary to the Baal HaTurim) asks: What relationship is there between chamas, theft, and the Flood? Where is the middah k’neged middah, measure for measure? (Hashem’s punishment has a distinct relationship to/similarity with the sin.) He quotes Chazal (Sanhedrin, Perek Chelek 108a) who teach, B’roschin kilkelu, with “heat” they created a spiritual blemish (sinned), with roschin, hot water (the Flood waters were unusually hot). Roschin alludes to their immoral behavior, falling prey to…

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ויולד נח שלשה בנים את שם את חם ואת יפת

Noach begot three sons, Shem, Cham and Yafes. (6:10)

Noticeably, Cham, who was Noach’s youngest son, is placed out of sequence. One would expect the three sons to be placed in the Torah in accordance with their birth order. In a response to a query posed by his chassidim, the Kotzker Rebbe, zl, addressed this question. Apparently, one of his chassidim fell prey to the external winds of change, and, in a short time, he left the fold. Since he had originally been one of them, the chassidim attempted to persuade him to return. When talking failed to effect a change in his behavior, they decided, or so they…

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ויאמר אלקים אל נח זאת אות הברית אשר הקמתי ביני ובין כל בשר על הארץ

And Hashem said to Noach, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have confirmed between Me and all flesh that is upon the earth.” (9:17)

Sforno comments that the bow is a sign for the righteous Jews to commence praying for the generation. The mere fact that the bow appears is a Heavenly message that something is amiss. The people have subverted their spiritual dimension, with punishment being the Heavenly response – unless the righteous pray for Heavenly compassion. The rainbow is the sign of the covenant which Hashem made with mankind: “It is incumbent upon you (Noach), and those like you, to bestir yourselves when you see it, to rouse the people to repent and understand that they must better themselves.” (Sforno) The rainbow…

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ואתה קח לך מכל מאכל אשר יאכל ואספת אליך

And as for you, take yourself of every food that is eaten and gather it into yourself. (6:21)

If the animals walked into the Ark on their own without having to be herded in, why could their food not, likewise, arrive on its own? Why did Noach have to go out and gather food for all the animals – enough to last them a year? The Brisker Rav, zl, explains that Noach required a special command to gather food, for, otherwise, he may very well have thought that just as the animals came of their own volition, their food should have “arrived” in the same manner. Thus, Hashem informed Noach that the animals would come on their own;…

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אלה תולדות נח נח איש צדיק תמים היה בדורותיו

These are the offspring of Noach – Noach was a righteous man, perfect in his generation. (6:9)

A well-known debate exists among the sages concerning the term “generations” as it relates to Noach: Was he righteous only in the context of his generation, which was evil? Or, alternatively, even in his evil generation surrounded by moral corruption, he was able to remain righteous. Certainly, in the generation of Avraham Avinu, he would have been righteous. In other words, how would Noach have fared in Avraham’s generation, which was on a much higher plateau? The question is obvious: What provoked the sages, who viewed Noach in a less-than-favorable manner, to state: “Had he lived in the generation of…

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וימת הרן על פני תרח אביו... באור כשדים

Haran died in the lifetime of his father… in Uhr Kasdim. (11:28)

Rashi quotes the Midrash that interprets the word al pnei as mipnei to mean “because of” Terach. Terach produced idols. His son, Avraham, saw the folly of idol worship and decided to do something about it. So, he smashed Terach’s wares. Fatherly love was trumped by both economics and fidelity to the evil king Nimrod. Terach felt that his son needed to be taught a lesson. Nimrod was only too happy to comply. Avraham Avinu was sentenced to be burned to death in the fiery caldron. Haran, Avraham’s brother, was challenged to choose between Avraham and Nimrod. Not being a…

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ותשחת הארץ לפני האלקים ותמלא הארץ חמס...ויהי כל הארץ שפה אחת ודברים אחדים

Now the earth had become corrupt before G-d; and the earth became filled with robbery. (6:11)….The whole earth was of one language and of common purpose. (11:1)

Parashas Noach presents two cultures, both evil: one was destroyed; and the other was dispersed – but allowed to live. The generation of the Flood was destroyed. Although the people’s sin was not so much directed Heavenward, their base immorality, lack of ethical character, and their licentious behavior earned them such ignominious repute that they had to be destroyed. The generation of the Dispersal, however, worked together to build a world community, sow the seeds of a single culture with themselves in the leadership role. They had no room for G-d in their lives. Chazal (Sanhedrin 109a) distinguish between the…

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