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“And it shall be if he says unto you, “I shall not go out from you” because he loves you and your house because he fares well with you.” (15:16)

The Talmud in Kiddushin (22a) explains the word “with you” in every respect of the word. What the master eats and drinks, where he sleeps, in every aspect of his daily endeavor, the Jewish servant must be dealt with and viewed as an equal, and in certain situations as a superior. These laws serve as the basis for the Talmud’s statement of “one who purchases for himself a servant, is like purchasing for himself a master”. The commentators question the apparent contrast between the relationship of a master and his Jewish servant, to an individual and his fellow Jew who…

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“And you shall serve Him and cleave to Him.” (13:5)

How does one ‘cleave’ to Hashem,” ask Chazal in the Talmud  Sotah 14a, “when He is described as an eish ochlah, consuming fire?” (Devarim 4:24). Chazal answer that the Torah enjoins us to cleave to Hashem’s ways. Mah Hu – af atah: Just as He supplies clothes for the unclothed, visits the sick, comforts mourners and buries the dead, so should you do the same. I wonder. It should be easy – especially if doing so  is considered following in the footsteps of the Almighty. We do not,  however, see people lining up to clothe the needy, visit the ill and…

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