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קחו מזמרת הארץ בכליכם והורידו לאיש מנחה

Take from the land’s glory in your baggage and bring down a gift to the man. (43:11)

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Coping with anger can be challenging, for some more than for others. People do not always act nicely to one another. This is especially true when two highly competitive people are both vying for the same position. Conflicts ensue, relationships are damaged and, at times, negative and even unethical behavior occurs. Anger is a normal emotion, unless one is highly refined and in control of himself. If we would stop for a moment to consider the ramifications, both short and long term, we would think twice before expressing ourselves. This is especially true when one is unjustly harmed, provoking feelings of animus that can sadly lead to issuing an imprecation against someone. We never know the severity of the outcome.

The Kotzker Rebbe, zl, notes Yaakov Avinu’s reaction (or rather non-reaction) to the news that the “pagan” Egyptian viceroy was holding Shimon captive until the brothers returned with Binyamin. Yaakov controlled himself and did not utter any negativity against the evil ruler. All he had to do was curse him and that would put an end to their misery. If chas v’shalom, Heaven forbid, he would have reacted like most of us would have, Yosef, the son for whom he was waiting so long to reunite with, would have become a victim of his words. After all, that happened to Rachel Imeinu. He had no idea that Rachel had rightfully hidden the terafim. This time, not only did he remain silent, but he even sent a gift.


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