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“Speak unto Aharon and unto his sons saying, so you shall bless the Bnei Yisrael.” (6:23)

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Hashem commands that His blessing be conferred only by the kohanim. Horav Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita, suggests a practical reason for this. Regrettably, many people posit that the kohen and his present day counterpart, the Torah scholar are supported by the community without any reciprocation.

Many individuals believe that if an individual is not “working” in the way that they are, he is not contributing to the community. This notion is, of course, categorically wrong.  The sustaining power of Klal Yisrael is manifest only through Torah and Torah scholars who devote their lives to its study and dissemination. This also applies to each individual Jews’ material success.  Bnei Torah should be viewed as vehicles for channelling blessing to Klal Yisrael. Consequently, they share as equal contributors to our material success. They should be recognized accordingly.

Horav Shternbuch indicates that the text of the bracha, “And He commanded us to bless His nation Yisrael, with love,” which is recited by the kohanim prior to bircas kohanim, enhances this idea.  The blessing is contingent upon the love and harmony that exists between the kohanim and the rest of the people. If there exists no mutual respect, then the blessing will not thrive. The kohanim must recognize those who support and sustain them, and the people must, in turn, pay tribute to the kohanim who are responsible for their blessing.

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