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“Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Yisrael.” (49:16)

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Rashi states that the pasuk is referring to Shimshon, who judged Klal Yisrael. The Rashbam and Kli Yakar disagree. They maintain that the pasuk applies to all judges.  Horav Elchanan Sorotzkin z.t.l. questions the emphasis on shevet Dan. Were there not judges from the other tribes?  Indeed, Yissachar merited to be represented by two hundred heads of the Sanhedrin.  What was so unique about shevet Dan, and especially Shimshon, that was distinguished for recognition?

Horav Sorotzkin explains that, although the other tribes also produced judges and erudite scholars who judged and led Klal Yisrael, Shimshon was unique in his “profession.” Shimshon was the only one who fought Klal Yisrael’s battles alone, without any assistance. He did not take men with him to fight the Philistines. Yaakov Avinu prophesized about the day when shoftei Yisrael, the Jewish judges and leaders, will be alone. He foresaw a time in which they would battle the incursions against Judaism without any support from the people. At such times, they will be viewed as kana’im, “cruel” zealots. Yaakov entreated Hashem with the words  “For your salvation I have waited Hashem (47:18)”, in order to address these obscure moments in Jewish history. Hashem shall accompany these Torah leaders as they stand alone, undaunted by public opinion, unfaltering in their battle to uphold the purity of Torah Judaism.

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