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“And Yehudah said, what shall we say, and what shall we justify ourselves; G-d has found the sin of your servants.” (44:16)

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With these words, Yehudah spoke to the Master of the world, as he addressed Yosef. Throughout this whole time the brothers had continued to justify their action regarding Yosef.  Indeed, as Horav Avigdor Miller, Shlita, states, this process of self-justification endured for twenty-two years. During this time any focus on guilt or condemnation was veiled with a heavy layer of logic and righteous rationale. They overlooked their sins in the hope that any miscreancy would be “hidden” from Hashem. Horav Miller explains that the nature of man is to attempt to conceal his weaknesses and true motives from Hashem. As Yehudah begins his viduy, confession, he says, “G-d has “found” the sin which has been so deeply concealed.” This actually means that Hashem has enabled “us” to find the sin.

How piercing are these words! We do not realize that the problems or troublesome situations that confront us are actually Hashem’s communique to us. He is telling us to consider our actions. Are all of our activities above reproach?  Obviously, if we respond immediately to these messages, they will not have to be more elucidated.

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