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“And Yaakov rose up from Beer Sheva, and the Bnei Yisrael carried Yaakov, their father… And all his children he brought with him to Egypt.” (46:5,7)

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Horav E.M. Bloch z.t.l. makes note of the contrast between these two pesukim. Originally the pasuk states that Yaakov was carried by his sons, and it ends by remarking that all the children came along with Yaakov. This is enigmatic! Is Yaakov the leader, or is he being led? Horav Bloch explains that indeed Yaakov was in charge, leading and guiding his flock, encouraging and preparing them for the long arduous journey through Egyptian exile. He was, however, old and frail, physically delicate from his many years of anguish. His condition demanded that he be carried.  Nonetheless, Yaakov was their leader!

This should be a paradigm for the nature of the relationship between parents and children. In every situation children should strive to seek their parents guidance, regardless of their parent’s age and state of health. In response, parents must aspire to be worthy of their position of leadership.

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