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“And the sons of Binyamin were Bela, Bechar and Ashbel . . .” (46:21)

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Chazal cite the source for the name of each of Binyamin’s sons.  They explain that each name alludes in one way or another to Yosef, his only brother with whom he shares his mother, Rachel.  This is striking!  Binyamin fathered ten sons.  This was undoubtedly an amazing fountain of joy. Binyamin, however, did not lose himself in self-agrandizment. Instead, he named every child, every source of joy, after his lost brother.

The Ponevezer Rav notes Binyamin’s singular love and devotion to Yosef. Throughout all of these years, he never allowed his longing for Yosef to become obsequious. He felt every bit of pain that Yosef experienced.  He sought to indelibly express this pain, so that he would never forgot it. This is the apex of sharing in another’s pain! Not only are we required to help others in their time of need, but we are also implored to impress upon ourselves their pain to the point that we never allow ourselves to forget it.  Another Jew’s pain is our pain. Likewise, another Jew’s joy is our joy.

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