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“And now let Pharaoh look for a discreet and wise man . . . And let him appoint overseers over the land and take up the fifth part of the land in the seven years of plenty.” (41:33,34)

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When one recognizes the truth, regardless of its unpleasant nature, he should immediately respond to it. Horav Yaakov Weinberg, Shlita, makes this observation from Pharaoh’s actions.  Upon listening to Yosef’s interpretation of his dreams, Pharaoh immediately promoted Yosef to an exalted position. Imagine Pharaoh’s emotions at the time. To take a lowly Hebrew slave out of the king’s dungeon and ennoble him above everyone is unimaginable. Yet, Pharaoh did exactly that. He was faced with the obvious truth that Yosef was superior to everyone. He responded accordingly.

What really was so outstanding about Yosef? What distinguished Yosef’s actions and words that impressed Pharaoh? Horav Weinberg explains that Yosef’s suggestion for immediate action was the discerning factor. Pharaoh knew his ministers could organize a plan for the whole country to store grain for the oncoming famine. Would they begin, however, after they had complacently enjoyed the years of plenty?  Would they allow the grain to waste away until is was too late?  Pharaoh could ill afford procrastination while his country prepared for famine.  Responding to the immediacy, Yosef said, “Let Pharaoh seek an understanding and wise man” immediately -for time was of the essence. Yosef impressed Pharaoh by recognizing that every moment was precious and must be used efficiently. This lesson should serve as a paradigm for us.  Every moment we are allotted on Olam Ha’zeh must be appreciated and utilized to its fullest potential.

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