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And Terach took Avram his son . . . and they went forth with them from Uhr Casdim to go into the land of Canaan and they came into Charan and dwelt there. (11:31)

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The Arugas Ha’Bosem makes an interesting observation based upon this pasuk. Often one becomes inspired to change his ways to expiate his sins.  Along the way, however, the yetzer hora, evil inclination, confronts him with various obstacles which block his path to success.  Those individuals whose resolve is as weak as their moral character fall prey to their impuissance.  Terach was such a person. He was inspired to journey to Canaan and change his past. He traveled to Charan, however, and halted. He could not extricate himself from the clutches of his yetzer hora.  Avraham, on the other hand, did not stop to smell the roses. He continued along the way, never allowing the fire of his inspiration to cool.

How often does one listen to an exceptionally good lecture, attend an inspirational Shabbos, gathering, or simply get “turned on” by an emotional experience, only to let it “cool off” due to a lack of follow up? We should remember that half-way is not far enough.  Terach traveled part of the distance, but he still remained the same Terach.

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