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מקבץ נדחי עמו ישראל

Mekabeitz nidchei amo Yisrael. Who gathers together the dispersed of His nation Yisrael?

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Each and every Jew has spiritual potential. These spiritual energies or sparks of holiness, nitzozos, are mischanelled when we do not use our spiritual potential properly. Thus, we are unable to experience the full experience of life due to a limited supply of spiritual energy. We pray to Hashem that He gathers our personal sparks and brings back all of the spiritual energies to their proper potential.
Similarly, when Adam HaRishon sinned, he caused the tzinoros hashpaah, Heavenly channels of holiness, to shatter, thereby spreading sparks of holiness throughout the world, where they are not imprisoned inside klipos ha’tumah, shells of impurity. Yaaros Devash explains that when we perform mitzvos, we extract the sparks of holiness from captivity. The Final Redemption will occur when all of the sparks of holiness have been released.

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