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ברך עלינו... את השנה הזאת... ושבענו מטוביך

– Bareich aleinu ues ha’shanah ha’zos. V’sabeinu mituvecha. Bless upon… this year… and satisfy us from Your bounty.

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Two lessons may be derived from this brachah: the positioning of it in the sequence of Bircas Shemoneh Esrai; and its content. First, as the ninth brachah, it follows immediately after Bircas Refaeinu, the blessing for healing. We derive from here that good health – physical and emotional – takes precedence over a living. In other words, one should not place his concern about the means he employs for earning a living over his health. If earning a living takes its toll on his health, it is not a “living.” Indeed, it is the opposite.

Second, the brachah addresses the importance of satisfaction from one’s living. We receive so much from Hashem. Yet, we fail to acknowledge its Source and certainly neglect to pay gratitude. Furthermore, there are individuals who, despite earning a living, find every reason to impugn their work. They are never happy and always complaining. Thus, we ask Hashem to satisfy us with His bounty: we should recognize, acknowledge and appreciate that Hashem is the Source of our bounty and that He has selected the very means that serve as the source of our bounty.

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