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שמח זבולן בצאתך ויששכר באהליך

“Rejoice, O Zevulun, in your excursions, and Yissachar in your tents.” (33:18)

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Horav Yehudah Tzadakah, z.l., was known for his incredible diligence in Torah study. In his youth, he would spend his day studying in the yeshivah bais ha’medrash, and at night he would go to the Beer Sheva shul and study through the early hours of the morning. In his later years, one of his grandsons asked why he chose this specific shul. He explained that the shamashim, caretakers, of the various shuls were frugal and limited the amount of kerosene used for the lamps. The shamash at the Beer Sheva shul, however, did not spare any kerosene, giving as much as necessary in order to provide illumination for the Torah scholars.

There was a reason for the gabbai’s benevolence. He explained that late at night when he looked out of his window at home and noticed the bright light shining from the shul, he felt great joy knowing that he was facilitating Torah study. The awareness that the sound of Torah did not wane throughout the night, brought him pride and elation. When the machazik Torah, supporter of Torah, feels such a sense of excitement and pride in his work, it indicates that the partnership between the Torah learner and supporter is one of sincerity and mutual respect.

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