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“You shall not see the donkey of your brother or his ox falling on the road… you shall surely stand them up with him.” (22:4)

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The Torah admonishes us to be sensitive to the pain of animals. The Chofetz Chaim renders a symbolic meaning to these words. He suggests that they apply to any activity one sets out to accomplish with Hashem’s help. For instance, when we implore Hashem daily in tefillas Shacharis:, “Enlighten our eyes in Your Torah,” we should not think that Torah scholarship will simply come down from Heaven as a gift. Erudition is not a gift; it is something for which one works, – diligently and with great toil. We cannot sit back and relax, waiting for Hashem to provide Torah to us at our convenience. We should enter the Bais Hamedrash, open up a sefer and learn with enthusiasm and fervor. Only then can we anticipate that Hashem will grant us the profundities of Torah. Consequently, the interpretation of the pasuk changes to the following, “You shall surely stand them up, with him.” It is understood in the sense that “You”, Hashem, will help the Jew by supporting his goals and sustaining him throughout, only as long as “with him” means, the person plays an active role.

Judaism is not a spectator religion. One must be active in performing mitzvos, studying Torah, and performing acts of loving kindness, Only after one “does” – will Hashem support him throughout his endeavor.

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