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“Speak to Aharon and his sons, saying, so shall you bless the Bnei Yisrael.” (6:23)

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The Kohanim are to serve as the vehicles through which Hashem’s blessing is bestowed upon Klal Yisrael. In order to transmit blessing one must maintain a harmonious relationship with the people. Indeed, Chazal teach us that a Kohen who does not “get along” with the people should not bless them. The Maharsham, zl, was bothered by the brachah which the Kohen recites prior to the blessing. He says, “And He commanded us to bless His nation Yisrael with love.” How does one express himself lovingly to all Jews? Does this “love” apply also to the rasha, wicked Jew, who has a distorted view of Klal Yisrael‘s destiny? Does the “ba’havah” apply equally to him?

He cited Rav Shmelke, zl, M’Nicholsberg, who said that we are enjoined to love all Jews, even reshaim. Rav Shmelke explained that all Jews, regardless of their spiritual alienation, have good within them. We are enjoined to focus our love towards that “concealed” good. Likewise, the Kohanim are to direct their blessing to the good in every Jew.

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