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“From twenty years and upward all that are able to go forth to war in Yisrael, you shall number them by their hosts.” (1:2)

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All male members of the tribes were soldiers – except the Leviim. The census counted everyone from age twenty and above -except Shevet Levi. Is this not ironic? Who came forward with his brother, Shimon, to avenge the shame of their sister, Dinah, if not Levi? When Bnei Yisrael sinned with the Eigel Ha’zahav, Golden Calf, Moshe Rabbeinu called out for “volunteers” to expunge the evil from the people. “Mi L’Hashem Eilai,” “Who is for Hashem (shall come) to Me!” he declared, and who came, if not Shevet Levi? When Zimri, the Nasi of Shevet Shimon, publicly desecrated Hashem’s Name by performing an illicit act with a pagan princess, who came forth to zealously avenge this blatant, reprehensible violation of Torah morality, if not Pinchas of Shevet Levi? Considering Shevet Levi’s extreme devotion to Hashem, would it not make sense that they should be at the forefront of the Jewish army? Is there anyone more worthy of going to battle than the Levi?

Two types of soldiers serve in different capacities. One type of soldier fights the enemy face to face, either hand- to-hand, or via artillery and other means of destruction. Another type of soldier achieves victory via his brilliant strategies. The Levi’s challenge is to eradicate the source of evil. He must see to it that more Torah is studied, that Klal Yisrael increase their commitment to uphold Torah and mitzvos. If this is accomplished, the Leviim will not have to fight – for there will no longer be evil.

The Leviim’s forbearance and strength of character, their ability to endure humiliation in order to teach Torah to the masses, to fight for what is right and expose hypocrisy and corruption, gave them the credentials to be soldiers in Hashem’s army. In addition, their spiritual ascendancy gave them access to serve in the Mishkan, so that their spiritual devotion gave strength to the other soldiers who were fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Indeed, if the Leviim are successful in their battle to promulgate Torah, other battles will not occur.

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