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There will be a holy anointing oil to Me for your generations. (30:31)

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Chazal derive from this pasuk that the oil which Moshe made was destined to last forever.  Indeed,  this same oil will be used when the Bais Hamikdash is rebuilt.  Although this oil was used many times throughout the generations, it has remained intact to the very last drop.   Hashem clearly chose to perform such a miracle with the Shemen Ha’Mishchah, anointing oil, for an important reason. It certainly could not have been simply because it was Moshe’s oil that it was considered to be so special.  If that would have been the case, Hashem would simply have commanded  Moshe to  make more oil.  No, Hashem established the  miracle to imply a compelling lesson, a principle that would guide us in our approach to Jewish education.

Horav Moshe Feinstein, zl, explains that every time a drop of oil was expended, one might incorrectly assume that this oil also imparted some kedushah.  By maintaining the oil  intact in its original state, one may learn that the oil did not  impart any of its own kedushah.  What then did it do?  It catalyzed the pre-existing kedushah within the person, so that it was manifest.

The flame of a candle is never diminished regardless of how many candles one lights from it.  The anointing oil’s twelve original lugin remained the same, no matter how often it was used.  What is the lesson to be derived from this concept?  Education is the process by which the mentor, be it parent or teacher, catalyzes the innate skill or wisdom of the student.  They coax; they show how; they guide – they imbue with a feeling of enthusiasm; they encourage the student to make use of the dormant potential from within.

Horav Feinstein explains Shlomo ha’melech’s classic principle of education, “Chanoch lana’ar al pi darco,” “Educate a child according to his way” in the same manner.  Only when one attempts to bring out the skills and wisdom which are already imbued in the child will his education truly  be devoted to the individual.  Education is not a forum by which the educator demonstrates his knowledge.  Rather, it is a process whereby the educator stimulates the best from within the student.

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