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But if you will not listen to Me……and if you despise My laws (26:14,15)

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Rashi explains the phrase, “and if you despise My laws,” as meaning, “if you despise the performance by others of My laws.”  In his commentary on Rashi, the Mizrachi gives further meaning to this statement when he says this refers to one who, although performing mitzvos himself, resents others who do the same.  This explanation is striking.  It is also a condemnation of  so many of us who do not tolerate the spiritual achievements of others, especially if we think they are plagurizing our own efforts.     For instance, one organization has succeeded in building up a following.  Suddenly, another well-meaning group attempts to do their own thing  and also reach out to others.  The reactions are regrettably the same throughout most of our community — indignation, and resentment!  Instantly, the righteous l’shem Shomayim attitude that seemed to have  prevailed until now disappears.

This is the underlying meaning of the pasuk.  If we are all working for the sake of Heaven to glorify Hashem’s Name, can there be any reason for not encouraging others to follow suit?

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