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And you shall come unto the Kohanim, the Leviim, and unto the judge that shall be in those days.” (17:9)

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The Iben Ezra explains that the “shofet” (judge) referred to in this pasuk is a “king” who commissioned the writing of his Torah written under the guidance of the Kohanim. This indicates that the Leviim were instrumental in teaching Torah to the judges and other leadership of Klal Yisrael. This implication is consistent with the words of the Rambam (Hilchos Shmitta 13:12). He explains that because of this Divine mandate, the tribe of Levi did not receive a portion in Eretz Yisrael. Their responsibility to devote every moment to promulgating Torah to Klal Yisrael did not allow the Leviim time for any other endeavor.


The Imrei Shamai suggests that this obligation was the reason that the members of the tribe of Levi were spread throughout Eretz Yisrael in the various cities of refuge. In order to reach out to many people, the Leviim had to live among the target population. The proximity of Bnei Levi to their students was an integral component of their educational development. This process provided the opportunity for the people to develop spiritually by emulating the Leviim’s spirituality. In order to propagate Torah, to make sure that Hashem’s word penetrates every one of our brethren, it is essential to be accessible and to continuously interact with them. There are many spiritual dangers, however, involved in undertaking such acts of “kiruv”. Many places are totally devoid of any form of spiritual protection. Therefore, it is crucial that individuals who seek to spread the word of Torah be true “Bnei Levi.” They should be spiritually refined, dedicated to executing their Divine mandate for the sake of Heaven.

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