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“And none of your children shall you give to pass through to Molech, and you shall not profane the name of Hashem.” (18:21)

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Horav Shamson Raphael Hirsch Zt”l remarks that after careful consideration of the various laws connected with the abominable service of the Molech, we may come to the conclusion that we are not dealing with an ordinary form of idol-worship. This is not merely a defection from Hashem to idolatry, but rather an aberration which introduces idolatrous ideas and concepts into the sphere of worshipping Hashem. Thus, this act profanes His Name. One who worships idols leaves Hashem and His Sanctuary and turns to others. The Molech worshipper foolishly thinks that he remains within the sphere of Hashem and His Sanctuary. The introduction of this line of thinking into the religious camp corrupts and distorts the pure conception of worship of Hashem and His Sanctuary.


The form of the word melech conveys an abstraction of the word melech – king. It does not designate king or ruler, but rather, reigning or ruling. This is illustrated by the conception of the “highest” power which governs the world, and by the heathen notions of irrevocable “fate” or “luck,” which allegedly rules the world. Even today there are those who have fallen prey to the Molech illusion of the way the powers of chance or luck can insinuate themselves upon us. This misconception causes one no longer to attribute to Hashem the power of ruling the world out of love and righteousness, but rather to attribute to Him the heathen traits of passion, hate, and blind power. We especially see this occuring following times of crisis or sorrow. When one passes his child through the fires of the Molech, he is tempting fate to see what will happen. He appeases this power in the hope that it will be satisfied and inclined to leave the rest of his family undisturbed.

When one negates Hashem’s power by not ascribing all power to Him, he is in essence performing a great desecration of Hashem’s Name, which is reflected by the Molech worship. One must realize that solely by living on a high moral level, by acting in free-willed obedience to Hashem, and by ascribing all power to Him, we can ensure His favor toward us and toward our children.

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