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“If he offers it for a thanksgiving.” (7:12)

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The Medrash states that in the era of Moshiach, all sacrifices will become void, with the exception of the Offering of Thanksgiving. Similarly, it is taught that all tefillos will be abolished in the future except for those of thanksgiving. We may question the need for thanksgiving in the era of Moshiach. Thanksgiving is expressed in acknowledgment of Hashem’s beneficence by one who has been rescued from grave peril. The sacrifice is, therefore, man’s method of expressing his belief that Hashem actively guides every aspect of his life. During the era of Moshiach, man will not lack for anything, for the world will be the essence of perfection. Why would he then have to offer thanksgiving?


            Horav Chaim Zaitzik Z”l explains that, indeed, the basis for thanksgiving will be different during the era of Moshiach. Gratitude will no longer be expressed for the present, but will be conveyed retroactively for the past. Man’s perception of Hashem’s conduct will be greatly enhanced. The events of the past which may have seemed so painful will now be perceived as a vehicle for our spiritual development. We will consequently realize that everything that Hashem has done has been for our benefit. This recognition will ultimately serve as the source of our gratitude to Him.

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