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The entire people responded together and said, “Everything that Hashem has spoken we shall do.” (19:8)

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Chazal praise Klal Yisrael’s affirmative response, their ability to accept the challenge of performing Hashem’s command without demanding a rationale.  “Naase v’nishma,”  – “We will do and we will listen,” was the clarion cry of our anscestors as they accepted the Torah.  Chazal cite the awesome reward that Klal Yisrael received for declaring “naase“, we will do, before “nishma,” we will listen.  Indeed, Hashem queried, “Who revealed this secret to My children, a phrase that only the ministering angels use?”  Ultimately, we have to ask ourselves: What difference does it really make?  In the end, they accepted both aspects- to do and to listen.  Does the sequence really make a difference?   What is the special secret that is contingent upon declaring naase before nishma?

            Horav Nissan Alpert,zl, comments that “listening” means more than just being attuned, more  than simply hearing what is being said.  The whole world heard what happened to the Egyptians: How they were vanquished by Hashem; how the Jews were miraculously saved.  Only regarding Yisro, however, did the Torah state “Vayishma Yisro,” “And Yisro heard.”  Hearing changed his life.   How was his shmia, hearing, different than everyone else’s?

An individual’s resonse depends upon his attitude before he hears or experiences a miraculous occurrence.  A unique experience will affect a person only if he is prepared to change –  if he has already decided that “the time has come” for a transformation.  This explains why two people can respond so differently to a single miraculous occurrence. One individual  will be moved to change, while the other one remains immovable, a product of indifference, a victim of complacency.  Yisro was a seeker; he sought the truth.  When the truth became apparent, he seized the moment.  This is the “secret” of “naase v’nishma.”  If Klal Yisrael are inclined to “listen,” to open up their minds to accept the dvar Hashem, word of the Almighty, they must adjust their lives to  be open to communications of emes, truth.  The Angels of Heaven are first and foremost angels waiting to hear Hashem’s command, to do His bidding.  Klal Yisrael exclaimed “Naase v’nishma” with zeal and fervor.  Hashem, we are ready – prepared to perform Your will.  Had they not been “bnei shmia,” actively attuned to listening,  they would never have gone so far as to fulfill the “naase,” to act in the appropriate manner.

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