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If you will follow my decrees. (26:3)

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Chazal tell us that to “follow/walk” in Hashem’s decrees is to engage in intensive Torah study, to toil and labor in TorahHorav Gedalyah Shorr, zl, explains this in the following manner: The distinction  between a man and an angel is found in the fact that the malach, angel, is an omeid, stands still, while man is a mehaleich, moves/walks.  The Torah reveals to us that man “moves” through ameilus, by toiling in Torah.  He goes higher and higher, from strength to strength by toiling in Torah.

Horav Shorr cites the Rogatshover Gaon, zl, who adds that this “halichah,” form of movement, is actually the maase ha’kinyan, act of acquisition, through which one acquires his portion in Torah.  He cites the Rambam in his Pirush Ha’Mishnah, who claims that walking around a field is considered a kinyan.  Regarding the acquisition of land, one must make a chazakah, a distinct act of ownership, such as repairing or building on the property. Concerning a field belonging to two partners, however, walking is sufficient, since one is only delineating his portion of the field.  The same concept applies to Torah,  which was given to all of Klal Yisrael.  The ameilus of  one, exerting himself in Torah study, is the halichah, walking, which acquires for him his portion in the Torah.

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