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And will give me bread to eat and clothes to wear… and Hashem will be a G-d to me. (28:20, 21)

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The Baal HaTanya and the Kedushas Levi, Horav Levi Yitzchak M’berditchev, were mechutanim, relatives by marriage, through the marriage of their grandchildren.  At the wedding, which these two tzaddikim  graced by their presence,  the Baal HaTanya offered a “l’chayim” to his mechutan:  “L’Chayim, mechutan! Hashem Yisborach should help us with gashmius and ruchnius, material and spiritual needs,” said the Baal HaTanya.  The Berditchever quickly asked, “How is it that you ask for material needs prior to spiritual needs?”  “Is it any different than Yaakov Avinu, who first asked for bread and then asked that Hashem be a G-d to him?” responded the Baal HaTanya.  The Berditchever asked, “How can you compare Yaakov Avinu’s gashmius to ours.  Certainly his material needs were not of the same nature as ours.”  “You may be right,” said the Baal HaTanya, “but how do you compare our ruchnius to his?”

While this story may be anecdotal, why did Yaakov Avinu really prioritize his material needs over his spiritual ones?  In truth, Yaakov’s material request was spiritual in nature, since his material needs were entirely sublimated towards serving Hashem.  Whatever he had, and whatever he needed, were oriented towards one goal – to serve Hashem.  Having bread to eat and clothes to wear facilitated Yaakov’s spiritual growth.

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