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זכור ימות עולם בינו שנות דור ודור...כי חלק ד' עמו יעקב חבל נחלתו

Remember the world history, study the generational epochs…Because (of) Hashem’s His People, Yaakov the cable of his heritage. (32:7,9)

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One would conjecture that the notion that the Jewish People have a unique relationship with Hashem, that Yaakov and his descendants represent chevel nachalaso, the cable of His heritage, is a matter of emunah, faith. As Jews, we believe from our very entrance into cogency that Hashem has chosen us and that we are different as a result of this Divine selection. Horav Yeruchem Levovitz, zl, posits that the pasuk is teaching us otherwise. Our extraordinary relationship with Hashem is not a matter of faith; rather it is a matter of history. If we peruse the annals of history, we note that the mere fact that the Jewish People are in existence is a tribute to the fact that we are Hashem’s designated people.

B’hafrido bnei adam, “When He separated the children of man” (ibid. 32:8). Now, more than ever, we realize the different characteristics which define people from different nations, various cultures and geometric backgrounds. As in all things physical, with the slightest change in its physical makeup there will also be a variation in its definition. Two pieces of wood may both be called wood, but one is birch while the other is elm. The wood is derived from disparate trees, thus determining that the two pieces of wood are not the same.

Likewise, the entire world may be filled with humans who happen to be a creation unlike animals. Even among humans, however, there are defining characteristics which classify them differently. Klal Yisrael is simply just not like everyone else in the world. Hashem has separated us from the rest of creation. Our spiritual calling defines us. We have mitzvos which are not simply activities for us to perform, but comprise the secret of our distinctiveness. We are made from a different mold!

Rav Yeruchem quotes Sforno’s commentary to Vayikra 13:47, in which he writes, “For in truth, the human species represents the ultimate purpose intended (by the Creator) in all existence, particularly among mortal beings. For he alone among all (creatures) is predisposed to be like the Creator in intellect and deed … And (when) He chose Klal Yisrael, as it says, ‘Hashem, Your G-d, has chosen you to be His own treasure’ (Devarim 7:6). This is because the hopeful intent of G-d was more likely to be realized among men of this nation, more so than any other men, for the existence of G-d and His unity were known partially and accepted among all of Yisrael from their ancestors.” He writes that man is the crown of Creation, chosen for his ability to emulate the Creator. However, only Klal Yisrael realized this awesome responsibility and, even among them, a relatively small number accepted the challenge of attaining the level of excellence that Hashem has ordained for them.

We are made from a different mold! Their goals and objectives, their purpose in life, is so different from ours that there is absolutely no way to make a logical comparison. This is why we are different. This is why Hashem separated us from the rest of the world.

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