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“And you shall guard My laws and My social laws, which if a man will do, he will live thereby, I am Hashem.” (18:5)

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Horav M. Elan, z.l., offers a novel interpretation of this pasuk. The daily routine and lifestyle of some individuals are not consistent with their level of profundity in Torah law. They expound great scholarship, citing insightful thought and philosophy, but their actual behavior is consistent with one who is ignorant of the law. The true goal of every person should be that his conduct be commensurate with his degree of sophistication in Torah awareness. This is the Torah’s message. Your shall guard My laws and live by them. Your lifestyle shall reflect your knowledge.

This is especially true when one is seeking to inspire others, particularly children. Nothing is as reprehensible as the sanctimonious exposition of Torah. Young people revolt against double talk. One must practice that which he preaches, if he wants theory to extend beyond the hypothetical to become reality.

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