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“And they were extremely angry because he had committed a disgraceful act against Yisroel. (34:7)

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This is the  first time that  the descendants of  Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov  are referred to by the name Yisroel. The reference here appears even  before  Yaakov’s  name  was officially  changed  by  Hashem. The response  of the children of Yaakov to the terrible tragedy that befell their sister emanates from a people who are already Bnei Yisroel.  They already  feel a part of a nation that will  fight and sacrifice itself for the name of Hashem. The lofty concepts of ethics, virtue and  moral dignity, are inherent in this name. It is particularly significant that the first struggle by a people for the dignity of Hashem with which the name Yisroel is connected, is in the  defense of moral purity. The first mission  of  the  Bnei  Yisroel  is  to  safeguard the concept of moral virtue.

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