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“And they shall confess their sins.” (5:7)

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The mitzvah of “viduy,” confession, is the prime prerequisite for performing teshuvah, repentance. Indeed, without viduy the teshuvah process has no value. It is puzzling that the Torah chooses to mention the mitzvah of viduy specifically at this point, in reference to the sin of stealing.                 The Chidushei Ha’Rim explains that actually every transgression committed by man consists of a form of theft. We have been granted life, health, and the ability to perform actions, so that we may serve the Almighty. To employ these G-d given abilities in behavior which violates Torah law is tantamount to theft. Not only do we demonstrate ingratitude for all that we enjoy, but we also disdain its true purpose. This is the reason that the Torah inserts the requirement of viduy in the pesukim dealing with theft. While repenting for any violations of the Torah, we must concurrently recognize that we have illegally made use of Hashem’s gifts to us. With this awareness in mind, our resolution for the future will be realistic, so that proper teshuvah can be effected.

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