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“And (Moshe) placed some blood on the right earlobe of Aharon and on his right thumb and on his right big toe.” (8:24)

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The Torah refers to the thumb as bohen, while Chazal refer to it as the gudal because of its thickness (as implied by the word kusd which means large). Rabbeinu Bachya notes the specific names which Chazal have given to each finger of the hand. He cites Rashi’s commentary on the Talmud, Kesubos 5b, which explains the reason for the name of each finger. Each reason is based upon the finger’s specific function reflected in holy endeavor. It is amazing that when Chazal identified each finger, they named it in accordance with its holy function. Most people who use each finger for a different holy function are not Kohanim Should not a name be given according to its primary use, which is for mundane matters?

The Mesilos Chaim explains that the spiritual function of an object is evidently the determining factor in its name. The reason for this is simple. Everything is created for a single purpose, to serve Hashem. Man is here to serve the Almighty and to sanctify His Name with all of his organs and faculties. Consequently, the name of the fingers correspond with their spiritual potential.

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