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“And Moshe counted them according to Hashem’s word.” (3:16)

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Horav Moshe Swift, z.l., notes a disparity between the census of Bnei Yisrael and that of Bnei Levi. Bnei Yisrael were counted from age twenty and over, thereby facilitating an easy count. Bnei Levi, who were counted from age one month upwards, demanded a more difficult count. The Midrash emphasized this by noting that Moshe asked, “How can I enter their tents to determine the number of babies in each family?” Hashem responded, “You do your share, and I will do mine.” The Midrash continues that Moshe stood at the doorway of each tent. The Shechinah preceded him, and a Divine voice emanated from each tent stating the number of babies therein. This is the hidden meaning of our pasuk. Hashem’s word facilitated Moshe’s census.

There is a profound message to be gleaned from this Midrash. In order for Moshe to count Bnei Yisrael outside of the house, the Shechinah must first have penetrated inside the house. If Jewish children are to be included, if they are to be numbered as the ones who carry the yoke of Torah on their shoulders, then the Shechinah must precede each child’s birth. The voice of Hashem must be heard from within the home. The Shechinah must totally permeate the atmosphere of a child’s upbringing. This begins with his parents’ own personal relationship, which should be ensconced in sanctity and purity. It continues on in a home in which prayer, Torah study, and mitzvah performance are integral components of the lifestyle. The establishment of such a home is the only guarantee that the children will continue to be counted as proud members of Klal Yisrael.

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