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“And Hashem blessed Avrohom with everything.” (24:1)

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The simple meaning of this posuk is that Avrohom sensed Hashem’s blessing in everything that he owned. There are people who are wealthy, but who derive no blessing from their fortune since they have neither satisfaction nor enjoyment from their possessions. They are driven by an unquenchable desire to acquire yet a greater fortune. Avrohom, was blessed with all that he possessed precisely because he sensed Hashem’s blessing in everything, never longing for anything.

Regarding the posuk in Tehilim (34:10) “Those who seek Hashem will not lack any good”, the Shl”a notes that the implication of this posuk is not that they will have everything, but rather that they will not sense a need for anything because they will be blessed by Hashem.

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