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And Eisav said, “Behold I am going to die, what use then is the birthright to me?” (25:32)

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  Rashi explains that Eisav asked Yaakov questions regarding the nature of the service in the Beis Hamikdash. Upon hearing the many warnings, punishments, and potential for capitol punishment, he responded by saying. “What do I need the birthright for if I’m going to die through it, why bother with it altogether?”

Why then does the Torah declare that Eisav despised the birthright? On the contrary, the reason he was reluctant to accept it was due to the overwhelming responsibilities associated with this service. According to Rashi‘s explanation, we learn that one must enter into Hashem’s service knowing full well the obligations that come with this position. The various forms of abuse and criticism should not be a deterrent in fulfilling his obligations to serve Hashem. One who chooses not to enter the various fields of Torah occupations because of this reason is actually showing that he despises the Torah.

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