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“That he happened upon you on the way.” (25:18)

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The pasuk seems to be addressing the nation as a whole. Why then does it switch to karcha, “it happened upon you,” in the singular? Horav Eliezer Elyakim Schlesinger, Shlita, explains that the Torah is teaching us a fundamental principle. He cites the Brisker Rav, z.l., who interprets the pasuk: “I quarrel with those who rise up against You!… I regard them as my own enemies” (Tehillim 139:21,22), in which David Hamelech is saying that Hashem’s enemies are his personal enemies. Anyone who rebels against Hashem cannot be David Ha’melech’s friend. Likewise, we are admonished here to view Amalek’s evil as a personal affront against each  and every Jew. When Amalek cooled the world’s status quo of yiraas Shomayim, fear of Heaven, when he battled against Hashem, he became each Jew’s personal enemy. This, similarly, applies to every person who has the audacity to speak up against Hashem or against those whose function in life  it is to disseminate the word of Hashem.

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