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“Remember days of yore, understand the years of every generation.” (32:7)

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Precepts of Jewish thought are closely linked to everyday realities and can be perceived in daily occurrences. An individual Jew can strengthen his belief and trust in Hashem by viewing these happenings through a Torah perspective. The same is true of all historical events. All events in the annals of time, happened as part of a Divine plan. To disregard this concept is to negate the essence of these events. Rabbi Mordechai Gifter Shlita emphasizes this posuk as establishing the guidelines for the understanding of history from a true perspective. An event in history cannot be looked at in the limited scope of the present, but rather it should be perceived as an event which assumes a place in the continuum of time. A historical occurrence extends itself far beyond the limited scope of time and space, and reaches towards the past and the future to acquire significance.

Secular sources view history in perspectives of their own, guided by economic, social, and political principles. In contrast to this is the Torah‘s perspective of viewing historical events as pieces of a Divine plan, unfolding throughout the ages. History is the metamorphosis of man through the various stages of destruction and redemption, reward and punishment, proceeding to the moment of ultimate redemption – the advent of moshiach. We must be aware that these moments in history, whether tragic and cataclysmic or joyful and rapturous, are everlasting testimony to the presence of Hashem in this world, and are understood as empirical units in Divine Providence.

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