ויהי מקץ שנתים ימים
Chazal (Midrash Rabbah 89:3) quote a pasuk in Sefer Tehillim (40:5) which they feel relates to Yosef’s still being incarcerated two years after the release of the chamberlain: Ashrei ha’gever asher sam Hashem mivtacho;“Praiseworthy is the man who has made Hashem his trust.” This alludes to Yosef, who as a result of asking the chamberlain twice to remember him, had two years added to his imprisonment.” Chazal’s statement begs elucidation. It begins by intimating that Yosef was the exemplar of bitachon, trust, in the Almighty, then concludes that Yosef was punished precisely for relying on the chamberlain. Not only was…