ויקח אברם את שרי אשתו... ואת כל רכושם אשר רכשו ואת הנפש אשר עשו בחרן
Rashi explains that the nefesh, souls, which they made in Charan, is a reference to the many people who Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imeinu were able to pluck from the grasp of the pagans and inspire with the monotheistic belief. These converts to Hashem followed the ones who had “made” them. Avraham’s raison d’etre in life was to promulgate the belief in Hashem. To teach the truth was not enough if he did not convert the people. A successful teacher is one who impacts the lives of his students. This was our Patriarch’s goal, his life’s work. Indeed, every endeavor…