ואתם הדבקים בד' אלקיכם חיים כלכם היום... ושמרתם ועשיתם כי היא חכמתכם ובינתכם... ככל התורה הזאת
We have been bequeathed an incredible gift: the Torah. It is the source of our wisdom, understanding, character refinement, religious observance; indeed, it is chaim kulchem hayom, our life – today – and every day. Without Torah in its entirety we are lost. We may not accept the Torah piecemeal in accordance with our comfort zone. That is not Torah. It is everything – or else it is simply intellectual knowledge. It is a life source only when it is imbibed, seen, studied, understood and observed. What about someone who has had little opportunity to learn or has started late?…